top in tech
shared economy
The Sharing Economy Concept for SMEs’ Sustainable Growth
27 Jul 2024
3:48 am

The Sharing Economy is gaining traction in a variety of industries owing to the fact that businesses are becoming digitally savvy and willing to participate in sharing economy practices. SMEs are the engines of growth in the Malaysian economy and contribute to an employment generation. The Sharing Economy Concept for SMEs’ Sustainable Growth will delve into the opportunities in diverse segments. This episode is brought to you by Lalamove.

Discussion Angles:

1) Significance of Sharing Economy in today’s business landscape

2) Opportunity for SMEs sustainable growth

3) Inclusivity for today’s economic trend 

Top In Tech Ep 17: The Sharing Economy Concept for SMEs’ Sustainable Growth

Thurs, 30 September 2021 from 4pm - 5pm

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Jane Teh, Managing Director, Lalamove Malaysia

Jane is the Managing Director of Lalamove Malaysia, the on-demand delivery provider of choice for SMEs and daily consumers. She is an operations specialist with 7 years of experience in the retail, e-commerce and food delivery industry. Before joining Lalamove, Jane has demonstrated a flair for rapid business expansion driven by fleet logistics and hub network optimisation. Besides empowering local SMEs with Lalamove’s brand of on-demand deliveries, she is passionate about promoting cultural diversity and women empowerment in the workplace.

Pennie Lim, Founder & CEO, Homa2u

Pennie is the Founder and CEO of HOMA.

As a graduate in Operation Management, Pennie has been in a trading & marketing of architectural product with more than 14 years industry experience. She has successfully disrupted the traditional brick and mortar business by enabling the construction and renovation industry to progress into a more affordable and effective sourcing and repurposing through the overstock O2O business platform.

Mark Koh, Co-founder, Supahands

Mark Koh is the CEO and Co-founder of Supahands, leading end-to-end data labelling platform for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence companies. Mark has built and scaled businesses in the retail and technology verticals and has a passion for innovation. He is a recipient of many awards including the Prestige 40 Under 40, Tatler Generation T and EY Entrepreneur of The Year Finalist award. Prior to his career at Supahands, Mark worked in banking and finance in Sydney and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Sydney.

Top In Tech is an online forum series which features notable experts in the tech industry, sharing insights on technology innovation and business transformation in this new era.

This programme is co-curated between Digital News Asia, Malaysiakini, ScaleUp Accelerator Malaysia and Internet Alliance. For more information about Top In Tech, contact us at [email protected].
